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Snow Time

December 14th - December 19th

Book Suggestions:

Van Laan.jpg

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays:

Five Little Snowman

Five little snowmen standing in a row (hold up 5 fingers)
Each with a hat (pat head)

and a big red bow (pull at neck like a bow tie)
Along came the sun (arms form big circle over head) 

and it shone all day (lean to the left)
And one of those snowmen melted away! (put down one finger)
Continue until there are no snowmen left.

I'm a Little Penguin

I’m a little penguin,
Black and white.
Short and wobbly,
An adorable sight.
I can’t fly at all,
But I love to swim.
So I’ll waddle to the water
And dive right in!

BRCL logo - colorful pages turning to rapids


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Library Hours

Monday            11 am - 6 pm
Tuesday            11 am - 6 pm
Wednesday      11 am - 6 pm
Thursday           11 am - 6 pm
 Friday                11 am - 6 pm 
Saturday           10 am -3 pm
Sunday                       Closed 

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