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At-Home Storytime Logo.png


March 12th - March 18th

Book Suggestions:


Songs, Rhythms, and Fingerplays:

Spring is Coming!

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

How do you think I know?

I see a flower blooming, I know it must be so.

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

How do you think I know?

I see a blossom on the tree, I know it must be so.

Popcorn Popping on the Apple Tree

I looked out the window, and what did I see?

Popcorn popping on the apple tree.

Spring has brought me such a nice surprise,

Popcorn popping right before my eyes!

I can take a handful and make a treat,

A popcorn ball that smells so sweet.

It wasn't really so,

But it seemed to be,

Popcorn popping on the apple tree.

BRCL logo - colorful pages turning to rapids


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Big Rapids, MI 49307

Phone (231) 796-5234

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Text 231-216-8942
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Library Hours

Monday            11 am - 6 pm
Tuesday            11 am - 6 pm
Wednesday      11 am - 6 pm
Thursday           11 am - 6 pm
 Friday                11 am - 6 pm 
Saturday           10 am -3 pm
Sunday                       Closed 

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